Configure default view

The default view in Zulip is the view you reach after logging in to the Zulip web app. You can also navigate to the default view via keyboard shortcuts.

The default views available in Zulip are Recent topics and All messages. See Reading strategies for recommendations on how to use these views.

You can configure which view is set as your default, and whether the Esc key navigates to the default view. Also, you can always reach the default view by using the Ctrl + [ shortcut.

Change default view

Organization administrators can set the default view for their organization to Recent topics or All messages. Recent topics is especially recommended for high-traffic organizations, and is configured by default.

You can customize your personal default view regardless of organization settings:

  1. Go to Display settings.

  2. Under Advanced, click on the Default view dropdown and select a view.

  3. To see your changes in action, open a new Zulip tab, or use a keyboard shortcut twice to exit the settings and navigate to your default view (Ctrl + [ or Esc if enabled).

Set whether Esc navigates to the default view

Zulip has a number of keyboard shortcuts designed to enhance the user experience in the app.

By default, the Esc key shortcut will ultimately navigate to your default view. You can disable this key binding if you would prefer. This will not disable other Esc key shortcuts used in Zulip, and will not affect the behavior of the Ctrl+[ shortcut.

Toggle whether Esc navigates to the default view

  1. Go to Display settings.

  2. Under Advanced, check or uncheck Escape key navigates to default view, as desired.