Zulip for open source projects

Grow your community with thoughtful and inclusive discussion.
Zulip Cloud Standard is free for open-source projects!

Learn how the Rust language community and
the Lean theorem prover community are using Zulip.

Make Zulip the communication hub for your open-source community.

Zulip is the only modern team chat app that is ideal for both live and asynchronous conversations. Discuss issues, pull requests and feature ideas, engage with users, answer questions, and onboard new contributors.

Use topics to organize the discussion

  • Like email threads, Zulip topics create a separate space for each discussion, so different conversations will never get in each other’s way.
  • Find active conversations, or see what happened while you were away, with the Recent Topics view. Read the topics you care about, and skip the rest.
  • Keep discussions orderly by moving or splitting topics when conversations digress.

Lasting knowledge repository

  • Permanently link to a Zulip conversation or a message in context from your issue tracker, forum, or anywhere else.
  • With conversations organized by topic, you can review old discussions to understand past work, explanations, and decisions.
  • Publish discussions on the web, letting anyone find previous answers to common questions without making an account.
  • Topics make it easy to find the right conversation with Zulip's powerful full-text search. New participants can learn from past discussions as they onboard, with unlimited message history.
Choosing Zulip over Slack as our group chat is one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Zulip makes it easy for our community of 1000 Recursers around the world to stay involved, even years after their batches finish. No other tool has a user experience that scales to a community of our size.
Nick Bergson-Shilcock, founder and CEO, Recurse Center

Build inclusive communities

  • Conversations in Zulip can continue for hours or days, enabling effective discussions between community members around the world.
  • Core contributors can answer a question when they have a few minutes, without digging through dozens of messages.
  • Part-time participants quickly zero in on the conversations they care about. This is not possible with other chat tools like Slack or Discord.
  • Topics provide a safe space to ask a question without interrupting other conversations.
  • Zulip offers dozens of features for moderating discussions. Members can also mute anyone they'd rather not interact with.
  • Check out Zulip for communities to learn more about how Zulip facilitates contributor engagement and inclusion.

Open ecosystem

I highly recommend Zulip to other communities. We’re coming from Freenode as our only real-time communication so the difference is night and day. Slack is a no-go for many due to not being FLOSS, and I’m concerned about vendor lock-in if they were to stop being so generous. Slack’s threading model is much worse than Zulip’s IMO. The streams/topics flow is an incredibly intuitive way to keep track of everything that is going on.
RJ Ryan, Mixxx Developer

Powerful formatting

At rust-lang, at Ferrous Systems, and now at Near, Zulip is absolutely invaluable for making technical discussion work!
Aleksey Kladov , Senior software engineer, NEAR Protocol

Interactive messaging

Wikimedia uses Zulip for its participation in open source mentoring programs. Zulip’s threaded discussions help busy organization administrators and mentors stay in close communication with students during all phases of the programs.
— Srishti Sethi, Developer Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation

Effective workflows with integrations

Flexible administration and moderation

When and how you want it

  • With apps for every platform, you can check Zulip at your computer or on your phone. Zulip works great in a browser, so no download is required.
  • Zulip alerts you about timely messages with fully customizable mobile, email and desktop notifications.
  • Mention users, groups of users or everyone when you need their attention.
  • Use Zulip in your language of choice, with translations into 17 languages.
  • Zulip is built for scale and works reliably for open organizations with 10,000s of users, with modest hardware.
The Lean community switched from Gitter to Zulip in early 2018, and never looked back. Zulip’s stream/topic model has been essential for organising research work and simultaneously onboarding newcomers as our community scaled. My experience with both the app and the website is extremely positive!
Kevin Buzzard, Professor of Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London
How the Lean prover community uses Zulip ↗

Make the move today

The Lean community switched from Gitter to Zulip in early 2018, and never looked back. Zulip’s stream/topic model has been essential for organising research work and simultaneously onboarding newcomers as our community scaled. My experience with both the app and the website is extremely positive!
Kevin Buzzard, Professor of Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London
How the Lean prover community uses Zulip ↗

Zulip Cloud Standard is free for open-source projects!

Join the hundreds of open-source projects we sponsor.